Jumat, 31 Mei 2013



saat ini aku gembira sekali, aku berada ditempat yang hangat dan nyaman walaupun gelap.
tapi ah. itu tidak masalah, aku tetap gembira sekali, Tuhan telah memilihkan tempat ini untukku..
aku bisa merasakan ibu tersenyum, mendengarkan suara ibu yang lembut.
tapi bu, kenapa beberapa hari ini ibu menangis?
malam ini, aku juga mendengar ibu menangis, bahkan ketika tangisanmu semakin menjadi, tiba tiba ibu memukulku, yang masih ada dalam perut ibu.
aku kaget sekali bu. aku ingin sekali memelukmu dan bertanya kepadamu,
kenapa ibu bersedih?
siapa yang telah membuat ibu menangis.?
tapi ibu terus memukulku, sakiiiit bu..
ibu, aku ingin bertanya, kenapa hari ini ibu mencaci maki aku?
aku bahkan tidak tahu apa salahku?
yang ada, ibu hanya berteriak sambil menyebutkan nama seseorang yang ibu katakan sebagai ayahku, seseorang yang kemarin memukul ibu..
ibu, aku ingin membelai wajahmu dan mengusap air matamu.
aku ingin mengatakan aku sayang ibu, agar ibu bisa tenang.
tapi tanganku masih terlalu kecil untuk bisa merangkul bahkan membelai wajahmu, bu..
tapi tenanglah bu, aku benar benar akan membahagiakan ibu saat aku tumbuh besar nanti. aku akan menjadi jagoan kecil ibu dan melindungi ibu, agar tidak ada lagi yang menyakiti ibuku...


ibu, kenapa seharian ini ibu tetap menangis?
apa aku berbuat salah?
ibu, hukumlah aku jika aku salah.
tapi tolong usir benda yang menarikku ini!
ibu, dia jahat padaku, dia menyakitiku.
ibu, tolong aku, sakiiiiit, ibu..
kenapa ibu tidak mendengar teriakanku, bu?
benda itu menarik kepalaku.
rasanya leherku ini mau putus.
dia bahkan menyakiti tanganku yang kecil ini.
dia terus menarik dan menyiksaku..
sakiiit, oh Ibu..
tolong hentikan semua ini.
aku tidak kuat kesakitan seperti ini..
ibu, aku sekarat......


ibuku sayang, kini aku telah bersama Tuhan di surga.
aku bertanya kepada-Nya,
apakah aku dibunuh?
Dia hanya menjawab aborsi..
ibu, aku masih tidak mengerti apa itu aborsi?
yang aku tahu sesuatu itu telah menyakitiku dan aku sedih bu..
teman Temanku di surga bilang, kalau aku tidak di inginkan..
ah, aku tidak percaya..
aku mempunyai ibu yang sangat baik dan sayang padaku..
mereka juga berkata, karena aku,, ibu merasa sangat malu..
itu tidak benar kan, bu?
aku kan jagoan kecil ibu, yang akan melindungi ibu.
kenapa ibu harus malu?
aku janji tidak akan nakal dan membuat ibu malu.
tetapi mereka tetap bilang padaku,
kalau ibu sendiri yang membunuhku..
ibuku tidak akan sekejam itu.
ibuku sangat lembut dan mengasihiku!
maafkan aku, ibu..
aku telah berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk bertahan.
karena aku ingin membahagiakan ibu.
tapi sekarang Tuhan telah membawaku kesini, karena kejadian itu..
benda itu telah menghisap lengan dan kakiku hingga putus.
dan akhirnya mencengkeram seluruh tubuh mungilku..
ibu, aku hanya ingin ibu tahu,
bahwa aku sangat ingin tinggal bersama ibu..
aku tak ingin pergi, aku sayang ibu,
walaupun aku belum sempat bernafas dan melihat wajahmu ibu..
ibu, aku sangat ingin mengatakan, biarlah aku sendiri yang merasakan,
sakitnya diperlakukan seperti itu, asal jangan ibu..
ibu, maafkan aku..
karena gagal menjadi jagoan kecil.
yang akan melindungi ibu..
selamat tinggal ibu......

Aku sungguh menyayangimu...

*Hanya ingin berbagi karena cerita ini begitu mengharukan.. Sumber: Facebook*

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013


Waktu itu aku iseng-iseng ikutan quiz marathon WohooBandz, pertanyaannya 'Sebutkan Series WoohooBandz yang berwarna hitam dan putih'
semua yang ikutan kuis jawabnya sama, gaada yang beda. Lagi pula kalo disebutin satu-satu juga gak bakal cukup dengan ditulis 140 character dan pasti bakal nyampah di tl. Yang ada malah di gerbek sama orang-orang tl-_-V
Setelah mikir itu, akhirnya muncul ideku buat beda dari yang lainnya, menyebutkan dengan cara yang paling beda dari yang lain, yang pastinya cukup 140 character dan gak nyampah di tl :D
Caraku yaitu, karena aku stalker sejati Woohoobandz, aku punya semua pict woohoobandz;)) dengan begitu mempermudahkan aku untuk mencari wb-wb yang warnanya hitam dan putih. setelah ketemu, aku kumpulin pictnya, aku edit jadi 1 foto dengan kolom sesuai jumlah wb tadi :D
"@WOOHOOBandz *QUIZ OFFICIAL CLOSED* pemenangnya adalaaah............."
"@WOOHOOBandz CONGRATZ! KAMU PEMENANG dari MARATHON QUIZ Pertanyaan ketiga! langsung sms nama & alamat ke 08891667755 yah :D SELAMAT SEKALI Lg."
WOOOO setelah liat tweet itu dari akun @WOOHOOBandz langsung sujud syukur rasanyaa, seneng banget bisa menang wb dari woohoobandz:") karna Wooohoobandz itu wb ter-KECE yang pernah aku liaat, designnya itu unik, lucu, cute, fresh, anak muda banget, full colour jugaaa, makanyaa sukaa. Terus beda gitu dari wb-wb yang lain, udah fontnya biasa, designya pasaran, warna paling cuman 2-3 warna, beda banget sama Woohoobandz!
Pokoknya seneng banget bisa menang, setelah itu aku langsung sms nomer yg tadi dimention sama woohoobandz itu;)) aku kirim alamat lengkap:"))
Beberapa hari setelah itu........
*pulang sekolah*
Mama : "is kamu beli apa? ada paket dateng"
Aku : "aku gak beli apa-apa ma? paket apa?"
Mama : "mama gak tahu, mama taruh di meja belajarmu"
Aku : "oke ma, makasih"
*abis dibilangin sama mama kayak gitu, aku mikir, perasaan aku gak beli online deh, kok ada paket? paket dari mana? :o pas mikir-mikir aku inget, jangan-jangan............*
#Masuk kamar ke meja belajar#
pas liat paketnya dimeja aku langsung otomatis jingkrak" gitu sambilang teriak-teriak gajelas-__-
"hee jangan teriak-teriak, adek lagi tidur" kata mama karna denger aku teriak-teriak kayak orang gila-_-
Pas aku liat amplop wbnya, gilaaa imuut bangeet, ada tulisannya YOLO dengan gambar monster khas Woohoobandz :D ini sumpah beda banget dari paket sebelum-sebelumnya yg aku terimaaa gila banget banget banget :D jarang-jarang ada olshop se-PROFESIONAL GINI! :'D
apa lagi pas liat isi amplop itu..........
*JENGG* OMAIGAAAAT isinya woohoobandz seri YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE NEW 2013;'))
itu wb paling baruu gilaaa, baik banget si mister ngasih yg series baruuu, ngaaaaa:") langsung frozen ditempaaat ngaaa, bagus banget, pas aku coba ditangan, gilaa pas banget ditangan hoho:") dan kerennya lagi, itu GLOW IN THE DARK! kurang kece apaa coba? :")
oke, gue coba w-o-l-e-s.

Tapi Wb ini beda dari wb" lain yang pernah ku beli. dibelakang wb ini ada tulisan WOOHOOBandz OFFICIAL aaa gilaa, paraaah, kecee sumpahh. Biasanya beli wb gapernah yang sebagus iniii. Kualitasnya OKE bangeet:")) Woohoobandz is the best everr!:))

beberapa hari setelah kejadian itu...
temenku, namanya Dila, akun twitternya @aldilaanl dia kan sering tuh liat aku nge RT-in tweetnya Woohoobandz, terus dia jadi ikut-ikutan ngefollow gitu haha :D
dia juga ikut tanya" ke mister, tapi dia manggil mister bukan dengan sebutan mr. stalker woohoobandz pasti tauu dong cara manggil admin di Woohoobandz ini, yap! panggilannya Mr!
tapi dila temenku ini manggilnya Min, muahaha, spontan ngakak saya :D
Besoknya waktu ketemu disekolah, dila tanya, dia juga bilang kalo wbnya Woohoobandz itu bagus-bagus, sejak itu dia berniat nabung dan pengen beli, haha :D
terus aku juga bilang, "dil kalo kamu mention ke Woohoobandz itu manggilnya jangan min, tapi mr-_-"
dia tanya kenapa, ya aku jawab "soalnya emang panggilannya mr dil, satu mr woohoo, satu lagi mr agung vergil" dia cuman jawab oalah gitu :D
*eh malemnya pas dia mention ke Woohoobandz udah pake kata mr, bukan min lagi hahaha :D

saya kenal akun Woohoobandz itu taun berapa lupa........... yang jelas mr duluan yg nge-follow aku waktu itu, dan followersnya dulu masih dikit :D
kalo sekarang mah, jangan ditanya........... followersnya berjibun(?) sampe ada twitter fansnya Woohoobandz :D WOW kan? :D



wish me luck! xoxo

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

One Direction - Still The One

Hello, hello 
I know it's been awhile, but, baby 
I got something 
That I really wanna let you know 
Something that I wanna let you know 

You say 
You say to everybody 
That you hate me 
Couldn't blame you 
Cause I know I left you all alone 
I know that I left you all alone 


Now I'm back at your door 
You're looking at me, unsure 
I should've seen it before 
You're all I think about 

I was so stupid 
For letting you go 
But I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
You might have moved on 
But, girl, you should know 
That I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
I know I'm saying too much 
But I will never give up 
I was so stupid 
For letting you go 
But I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
I-I-I know 
You're still the one 

Hello, hello 
I'm really hoping you'll forgive me 
I keep talking, begging 
Tell me what I wanna hear 
Girl, just tell me what I wanna hear 

I tried and tried 
To start again and find somebody 
But I remember all the times 
And all the words we said 
I can't get it out of my head 


Now I'm back at your door 
You're looking at me, unsure 
I should've seen it before 
You're all I think about 

I was so stupid 
For letting you go 
But I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
You might have moved on 
But, girl, you should know 
That I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
I know I'm saying too much 
But I will never give up 
I was so stupid 
For letting you go 
But I-I-I know 
You're still the one 

I-I-I know 

You're still the one 
You're still the one 
You're still the one 
You're still the one 

I know I'm saying too much 
But I will never give up 
I was so stupid 
For letting you go 
But I-I-I know 
You're still the one 
I-I-I know 
You're still the one

Jumat, 30 November 2012

One Direction - She's Not Afraid

Sneaks out in the middle of the night
Tight dress with the top cut low
She's addicted to feeling of letting go, letting go

She walks in and the room just lights up
But she don't want anyone to know
I'm the only one that gets to take her home, take her home

But everytime I tell her that I want more
She closes her door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

Maybe she's just trying to test me
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work
Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth, what you're worth

Lately all her friend have told don't get closer
He'll just break your heart

But either way she seethes at me
And it's just so hard, so hard

'Cos everytime I tell her how I feel
She says it's not real

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

What about all the things we say
Talking on the phone so late
I can't let her get away from me

When I say that I can do it no more
She's back at my door

She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How comes she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f-f-falling in love, love

She's not afraid
She's not afraid

Love, love

One Direction - Loved You First

Girl that should be me, driving to your house
Knocking on your door, kissing you on the mouth
Holding on your hand, dancing in the dark
'Cos I was the only one who loved you from the start

But now when I see you with him
It tears my world apart

Because I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
And nothing could be worse
Baby I loved you first
Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

Girl that should be me, calling on the phone
Saying your the one and I'll never let you go

I never understood what love was really like
But I felt it for the first time looking in your eyes

But now when I see you with him
My whole my world falls apart

Because I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
And nothing could be worse
Baby I loved you first
Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

First touch, first kiss
First girl who made me feel like this
Heartbreak, it's killing me
I loved you first why can't you see

I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
Nothing could be worse

Baby I loved you first

Had my chances
Could have been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most
Girl I get so close but now you'll never know
Baby I loved you first

Baby I loved you first
Baby I loved you first
Oh yeah

Baby I loved you first

One Direction - Nobody Compares

You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry
Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye
Now you're tearing me apart, tearing me apart
You're tearing me apart

You're so London, your own style, your own style
We're together, it's so good, so girl
Why are you tearing me apart, tearing me apart?
You're tearing me apart

Did I do something stupid, yeah girl, if I blew it
Just tell me what I did, let's work through it
There's got to be some way to get you to want me
Like before

Because no one ever looked so good
In a dress and it hurts, because I know you won't be mine tonight
No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile
Baby, tell me how to make it right

Now all of my friends say it's not really worth it
But even if that's true
No one in the world could stop me from not moving on
Baby even if I wanted to, nobody compares to you

We're so Paris when we kissed, when we kissed
I remember the taste of your lipstick
Now you're tearing up my heart, tearing up my heart
You're tearing up my heart

Did I do something stupid, yeah girl, if I blew it
Just tell me what I did, let's work through it
There's got to be some way to get you to want me
Like before

Because no one ever looked so good
In a dress and it hurts, because I know that you wont be mine tonight
No one ever makes me feel, like you do when you smile
Baby, tell me how to make it right

Now all of my friends say its not really worth it
But even if that's true
No one in the would could stop me from not moving on even if I wanted to Nobody compares to you

Nobody compares to you
There's got to be some way to get you to want me like before

Because no one ever looked so good
In a dress and it hurts because I know you won't be mine tonight
No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile
Baby, tell me how to make it right

Now all of my friends say it's not really worth it
But even if that's true
No one in the would could stop me from not moving on even if I wanted to
Nobody compares to you